Monday, June 21, 2010

I have lived for 2 decades.

Exactly a week ago I celebrated my 20th birthday. It wasn't a very grand affair, it rained all day long and I only celebrate with a family dinner but it was nice nonetheless.

These days I've been reviving my love for art, mainly painting and photography. I find painting, especially when paired with good music and tea, is incredibly therapeutic. I recently finished a painting for my sister Stacy for her birthday and am pretty pleased with the results. Recently I had the honor of taking senior pictures for my sister and 3 of her friends. I had so much fun doing it and had great models. I would love to take some photography classes and improve my skills in it because I just enjoy it so much.

Here are some samplings of my pictures:

And here are a couple of my paintings. It just so happens that the only ones I have pictures of are both of the sea and a red umbrella ;)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Sigur Rós

To me it will always bring memories of summertime and free spirits...
...running along train tracks in a deserted downtown...
...dancing wildly through the park at twilight with the muffled tunes blasting from a tiny down instead of AC to preserve gas...sunrises over the bridge...sunsets on a long road...heartbreaks....

How can so much inspiration come from a band whose Icelandic lyrics I can't even understand? Their music reflects all of my emotions and speaks to me in the same way as when two friends sit together, gathering past memories and speaking of future dreams.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Changes come, turn my world around..."

So I realize that I have failed miserably at this whole blog thing. I had had every intention of writing regularly while I was in India but, for lack of time and steady access to good internet connection, that didn't happen at all.
I've been back in the US of A for a good 2 months now, trying to pick up where I left off with work, school, relationships, and just life in general I guess. It is amazing how a mere 5 and a half months out of the country can really change things. I suppose that for people here it doesn't seem like things are different now that I'm back. For myself though, I miss everyone there and at the same time am having to reconnect here and fall back into step with life in Tulsa. Thankfully it's not the first time I'm experiencing this so I knew what to expect, but it's still hard sometimes.
Life here is having to be redefined for me and therefore I have many decisions to make. First is about school. I am going back to school and have decided to major in social work. While I was in India, I realized how much of a passion I have for people and counseling. So in the fall I will be back at TCC and, Lord willing, transfer to ORU next year. I am not very delighted at the prospect of being at TCC for another year but I have to do what I can afford as I haven't had time to apply for scholarships at ORU for this year. but now that I have a focus and vision I feel like I will be able to endure it.
The second decision I have to make is about living. Being away from my parents and living on my own was a great experience and I feel like I really started to grow in independence and responsibility. Therefore I feel that continuing to live on my own will be more conducive to continued growth. I was offered the opportunity recently to join a discipleship community house with The Burgh, a church lead by some old family friends. This consists of a group of people doing ministry and life together and at the same time ministering to each other. I am so very excited for this opportunity, I think the Lord will really teach me a lot about Himself, and ministry, and just relating with other people.
Of course school and living requires funds so I am also having to think about working. At the moment I am working at Cafe Fusion, the coffee shop owned by Believer's Church. It is a wonderful environment to work and I get to drink lots of coffee but unfortunately the cafe will soon be closing due to the church's inability to continue funding it. This is quite disappointing but it seems the Lord is reminding me again that His thoughts are not like mine and He is working things for the better. So at present I am filling out applications and asking God to provide for me the job He wants me to have.
In other news, there are some very nice changes, the main one being that I am talking to a rather lovely young man I worked with and got to know quite well in Dehra Dun. I'm terribly fond of him and we are just taking this time to get to know each other better (over the phone) and praying about where God wants us to take our relationship. I never thought I would be in a long-distance relationship but hey, surprises can be very fun and I am enjoying his presence in my life and looking forward to seeing how our story plays out.

Well I hadn't intended this post to be quite so long but as it's been a while I guess I had a lot to write out. Anyhow, I will wrap this up and get back to work like I should.